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2.2 Homologous Series


2.2 Homologous series


2.2.2 Construct molecular formula and structural formulae, and name the members of the homologous series.


At the end of this topic, students will be able to draw the structural formulae and naming based on the IUPAC nomenclature for first six members of homologous series (such as alkane, alkene, alcohol.)


A homologous series is a family of hydrocarbons with similar chemical properties who share the same general formula and has the same characteristics as below:

  • The members of the homologous series have same functional group.

  • Members have the same general formula.

  • Members have the almost same chemical properties due to same functional group.

  • Members have common general method of preparation.

Members of the same homologous series can be prepared through one common method. For examples, All alkenes can be prepared by dehydration of relevant alcohols.

Preparing Ethene (Dehydration of ethanol):

C2H5OH → C2H4 + H2O

Preparing Propene (Dehydration of propanol)

C3H7OH → C3H8 + H2O

Members of the homologous series have the same chemical properties. For example: All alkenes show addition reaction as added into bromine.



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